Businesses wishing to donate their excess stock, must contact us as fees may apply if we are unable to resell the items. These fees are negotiable.
By donating your Preloved Sportswear to us, we can reduce the amount of unnecessary waste heading to landfill whilst helping raise money for Talking About Loss and helping individuals in need. All donations are processed and either resold, repaired, repurposed or redistributed to those in need and by donating to Preloved Sports CIC, you agree to this.
We have been donated some items containing blood, mud and even vomit. Our team of volunteers have to process these, some of whom have children helping them. Please ensure items are cleaned prior to them being donated.
Please do not send items to our registered office address in Manchester. This address is only used for Companies House and any packages sent to this address will be returned or disposed of.
If you would like to donate please fill in the form below and we will get back to you.
Our interactive map shows the points of our designated drop-off points. Most of our volunteers use their home address as a drop-off point and to protect their privacy, we do not publicise their address, however we have provided you with the relevant contact details.
We are looking for individuals, local businesses and community hubs around the UK, to team up with us and become a Preloved Partner.
What is a Preloved partner?
As a Preloved partner, you will act as a donation station / drop-off point so those who live close to you can drop off their Preloved Sports items. We will require you to store them for us until we are able to collect them from you or arrange a courier to transport the items to us. We are a newly formed company and we’re still trying to work on a few things.
What’s in it for me?
This is purely a voluntary role, especially in the early days as we are still in the process of sorting everything out as we didn’t expect to be as busy as what we are. You will gain access to our dedicated support group which we’re using as a communication tool as well as looking at ideas to help reward our volunteers.
You will have your drop off point on the map above (if you are an individual, we will not display your address) and we are hoping to do a feature on our site / social media channels in the future that shows the drop off point location and a little bit about your business / community hub.
What can I donate?
We will happily accept all unwanted sportswear / accessories apart from Race-Tees at the moment as we struggle to find them a home, please make sure your sportswear is in a reasonably clean state and not covered in Blood Mud or Vomit.
What happens if I don’t live near a drop-off point?
No problem at all. You can post the items to us, using the form at the top of the page.
How often are you adding drop-off points?
We are always looking for more drop-off points whether its an individual or whether its a running or cycling shop etc.
I would like to have a drop-off point?
Please contact us at and we can arrange this for you.
Do you offer refunds on postage?
We can repay postage costs however please bear in mind we are a not for profit
Any other questions?
Please email us at